
【理學論壇】 3/4廖榮鑫 - 4/22張憶里 - 5/10彭旭明 - 5/19林文偉





【演講時間】2022年3月4日(五) 14:10-16:10




履歷:*台大電機學士、柏克萊電機電腦博士  *
           *美國矽谷創業家與企業副總裁  *國學大師愛新覺羅毓鋆弟子    


【演講時間】2022年4月22日(五) 14:10-16:00


* 職場六階段與因應之道

* 面試技巧vs認識自己
* 企業軟肋vs個人強項




【演講題目】From Metal-Metal Multiple Bonds to Helical Metal Strings

【演講時間】2022年5月10日(二) 15:10-17:00


【演講摘要】The study of metal string complexes with 1-D transition metal frameworks began in the early 1990s.Since these complexes provide great insight into multiple metal-metal bonds, and may have potential applications as molecular wires, this field of research has grown in the past 20 years. As such, the electronic structure of the simplest trinuclear complexes, the supporting ligand systems, and single molecular conductance of metal string complexes are discussed. This review will introduce the development of this field and summarize some important results in the newly designed heteronuclear metal string complexes (HMSCs). These molecules may be of great interest in studying the nature of heterometallic electronic effects and molecular electronic applications.





【演講題目】Computational Conformal Geometry with Optimal Mass Transportations and its Application on 3D Brain Tumor segmentations

【演講時間】2022年5月19日(四) 15:10-17:00


【會議號】2517 757 6638 (若無法從連結進入,可登入手機或電腦版webex軟體,於加入會議欄位輸入連結或號碼)



【關鍵字】Optimal Mass Transportations (OMT), 3D Brain Tumor segmentations,Medical Image,Mathematical Identification Auxiliary

【演講摘要】In this talk, we would like to introduce the computational conformal geometry with optimal mass transportation techniques and its applications on 3D medical image detections and segmentations. The well-known uniformization theorem shows that a closed surface of genus-zero is equivalently conformal to a unit sphere. However, the numerical method and its convergence should be addressed. We will propose efficient algorithms on conformal energy minimization (CEM), stretch energy minimization (SEM) and volume stretch energy minimization (VSEM) for finding the conformal (angle-preserving) and equiareal (area-preserving) parametrizations, respectively, between a simply connected closed surface and a sphere, as well as, the volume-preserving parametrization between a 3-manifold with a genus-zero boundary and a unit ball. Based on the SEM and VSEM algorithms we further develop the reliable and robust algorithms for solving the optimal mass transportation (OMT) between an irregular 3D domain and a unit ball, while minimizing the deformation cost, and keeping the minimal distortion and the local mass ratios unchanged. Combining the proposed OMT with the U-net machine learning algorithm, we develop a novel two-phase OMT algorithm successfully applying for the detection and segmentation of 3D brain tumors with high training and validation Dice scores. For training, good Dice scores: 0.9538 for the WT (whole tumor), 0.9546 for the TC (tumor core) and 0.9093 for the ET (enhanced tumor) can be obtained. For validation, the Dice scores of WT, TC and ET with mesh refinement and ensemble voting postprocessing can reach 0.9371, 0.9062 and 0.8747. A significant accuracy improvement in brain tumor detection and segmentation is achieved. Furthermore, It takes within 200 seconds to complete the whole brain tumor segmentation process for each new brain sample.


